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035-885-5100 / 0358855100

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Area code: 035
Prefix: 885
Rating: 2.91
Views: 1747
Comments: 180
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 035-885-5100. Phone 0358855100 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 180 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 035-885-5100, 0358855100 , 035-885-5100, +10358855100, tel:+1-035-885-5100, 001035-885-5100
Call Activity 035-885-5100

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Comments for 035-885-5100

to cik dilla...staff yang awak maksudkan tu memang wujud...tapi takpe...back to basic...samada u all nak pecaya teserah la...tapi jangan pulak satu ari nanti terkena kat luar baru nak sedar...n kita sebagai manusia patut elak dari memburukkan orag lain...pe2 pn cik dilla tahniah sebab dah bis blaja...n lau bole sambung time to make sure scam or not,try to call back taht number...
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Saya persoalkan pd caller, mcmana dia nk deduct dr akaun sy kalau dia x tau no akaun saya. Terus dia beremosi. Saya peguam dan dia dok bising x semua benda peguam tau.What the [***]? Sbb tu sy tanya. Tolong lah professional sikit. Kamu buat panggilan telefon, bukan bercakap di premis bank secara berdepan dan ada hitam putih. Kalau kamu, RHB deduct duit kamu lepas call, kamu x marah ke????
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to cik dilla...staff yang awak maksudkan tu memang wujud...tapi takpe...back to basic...samada u all nak pecaya teserah la...tapi jangan pulak satu ari nanti terkena kat luar baru nak sedar...n kita sebagai manusia patut elak dari memburukkan orag lain...pe2 pn cik dilla tahniah sebab dah bis blaja...n lau bole sambung time to make sure scam or not,try to call back that number...
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Salam .. Sy nk tanya boleh x .. Mohon pencerahan.. Sy ada join plak ni.. No confirm lifestyle security plan tu .. Akan dpt balik x kalau cancel?
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lantak korang la...korang nih main tuduh menuduh bkn dr maYbank..bkn ker baru2 NI ada training SERVE FROM UR HEART our maybank our future...i sokong u '[***] Ignorance People' lau takde sale sapa mau bayar gaji kan...hanya staff mybk yg bodoh jerr yg bengong...gaji ko pun dr duit sale jgk...ntah2 dengki coz staff sale nih byk gaji dr korang kot 'AMAN' ur staff mybk vry [***]!!! hahaha sian aku kt ko kan..mgaku staff konon...but vry [***]...maybak group cust care yg ada telesales pun ko tak tau...ko kna training byk lg la beb b4 jd staff maybank...haha AMAN [***]!!!!...len kali slidik dulu la beb b4 main hentam kt kita org nih penipu....tuiiihhhhh!!! aman shittt....
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Pada 7th Dec 2016 saya terima panggilan tel dari no 03-58855100..masa tu saya tgh busy sgt dgn keje office...lelaki yg telefon tu..tak ingat siapa nama dia.. cakap dari syarikat insurans maybank dan promote pelan insurans utk wanita yg bermur 40 thn ke atas. Saya ckp x berminat sbb saya dah ada insurans. tapi dia keep talking and talking non stop. Saya nak cut short perbualan tu..saya kata saya nk tengok plan insuran tu dulu..Lelaki tu kata dia akan pos kn polisi insurans dlm tempoh 2 minggu..saya ckp saya tak bersetuju lg tau..sbb saya nk tgk pln isurans tu dulu...Dia kata tak apa...baca dulu polisi insurans tu dulu dan kalau x berminat pulangkan balik polisi insurans tu dkt dia org..After 2 weeks polisi tu sampai..dan saya tgk polisi insurans tu stated saya bersetuju ambik insuran tu walhal saya x ckp pun setuju utk ambik insurans berkenaan..hati saya dah rasa x sdp...saya tgk balik M2U tgk2 saya punya akaun tlh di tolak amaun RM 143..without my approval..Saya x puas hati ..saya pun call Bank Negara nak confirm adakah bank negara benarkan utk mana2 telesales insurans maybank deduct duit customer tanpa persetujuan dr customer.? Sbb saya kata saya tak sign apa2 document berkaitan dgn insurans berkenaan. Pegawai BNM tu kata telesales insurans maybank x berhak utk tolak dr akaun maybank pelanggan tanpa approval dr akaun holders. Pegawai Bank Negara tu suruh saya dtg ke Bank Negara utk buat aduan rasmi beserta dgn bukti yg dia org deduct frm my maybank A/c..Lps tu saya call no 03-58855100 tu balik...dan saya ckp lah berkenaan perkara di atas...dan saya ckp yg minggu dpn saya nk pegi bank negara nak buat aduan rasmi ..Customer Service tu dah menggalabah dan ckp yg saya blh pulangkan polisi insurans kat mana2 cawangan maybank yg terdekat..Dia kata saya kene isi borang pembatalan polisi insurans dlm tempoh 5 hari lps saya dah terima polisi insurans tu...Maybank akn buat refund dlm tempoh 2 minggu lagi..itu kata dia org lah..Pd pendapat saya maybank tak berhak utk simply2 deduct org punya akaun..tanpa apa2 arahan dr customer..THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE...Klau saya berminat nk ambik insurans dgn Maybank saya akn pegi jumpa personally dgn officer incharge...x pyh lah nk terus deduct org pnya duit...Dlm Islam haram tau...Jual beli pun kene ada akad...ini kan pulak tak de sign ape2 terus ambik duit org...tak baik...berdosa tau...
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woit dila rosdi tuh mmg staff mybk ok..u nk i bg num staff dia kerrr....sengal dila ni..blajar jer tinggi2 tp kpala hotak kt lutut tak tau call tuh dr pihak btul....ko igt mybk nih kerja nk tipu org kerr padahal...insuran tuh mmg pnting utk kau bila dah cacat baru nk cr insuran kerr beb...ko kna blajar tgi lg la dila...stakat blajar buang duit tp otak kuno...baik x bayah la beb...haha...klakar aku org blajar tgi otak duk kt lubang taik..kehhh!!!!...opss sory dila...
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Harini kena tipu staff maybank, buka account ckp wajib buat insuran potong rm32 sebulan. Bodo bodo alam pergi ha kan je. Katanya staff, semua org buka acc wajib buat insuran tu. So ada sape tahu prosedur mcm mana nak terminate insuran tu?
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wow zaim u staff maybk kerr...pandai la u nih kan...i rasa u traning tak ckp lgkap kot zaim...mmg tol la u nih kot2 mat pion yg tlg sent surat kt mybk jer kot..haha klakar...y u tak pnah cek this num from mgcc or mybk?? u sndiri pun tak tau kan apa tuh mgcc or vitual banking kan..stupid staff maybank...zaim staff vry [***]...jgn main tuduh2 la beb if u staff mybk baru lepas training kan??...serve from ur heart!!! opss la tk pg kerr..mknenyer u bkn staff mybk la yerr....penipu!!!!
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THIS IS A 3RD PARTY SPAM TELE-MARKETER.Do not entertain.It is a 3rd party tele-marketer appointed to sell products (insurance policies, credit card etc..). They will buy your data from other syndicates (when you fill up forms to apply for loan and whatnot) and call you to sell whatever they are selling. If you say the word "yes" by mistake, they deduct money from your account and tadaaa you have an insurance policy they you did not buy. And the caller get commission money to feed their children.
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