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717-987-2149 / 7179872149

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Area code: 717
Prefix: 987
Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
City: Mc Connellsburg
Company: United Tel Co. Of Pennsylvania DBA Centurylink
Usage: Landline
Time zone: Eastern
Rating: 1
Views: 136
Comments: 2
Last report time: 2023-09-24
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 717-987-2149. This phone number is registered in Mc Connellsburg, Pennsylvania, United States and operated by United Tel Co. Of Pennsylvania DBA Centurylink. Phone 7179872149 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 1 user report.
Phone number formats: +1 717-987-2149, 7179872149 , 717-987-2149, +17179872149, tel:+1-717-987-2149, 001717-987-2149
Call Activity 717-987-2149

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Comments for 717-987-2149

Vincent eugene martz egor, igor, igor nutcase and your wife you both have computer balls and pussies and you both are psyco but in person you lie scam, steal, murder, call names, harass others, assult family like your dad you stole money off him and you are the ones that called fulton county child services and you got familyintrouble...get a job nut cased tamie and vincent martz stop putting stuff on here you guys are troubled pscyo ugly sinful retarded people and you desirve punishment who thinks your getting away with stuff well you are on earth but wait until you all face the lord what a treat that will be on that day when God throws you both in hell for what you did to family. You will pay we got you now jail time you two nut cased lying. You are liers and you desirve death. Vincent e martz egor posted.We got you now in the perfect family set up.You and your wife are done for and I cant wait this will be delightful for family when mcconnellsburg pa police put you in prison. What a day that will be.Charges will be filed.Dont forget you posted this about yourself Vincent e.martz the egor, igor, igor, igor. The day you die vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania will be a day of celebration. We don't like you Vincent e martz the egor.GET A JOB AND WORK FOR A LIVING INSTEAD OF STEALING FREE HANDOUTS FROM CHURCHES, THE GOVERMENT, STEALING FROM FAMILY.YEARS AGO YOU AND YOUR WIFE STOLE FROM THE GRANDPARENTS.WHAT A DAY OF REJOICING IT WILL BE WHEN YOU DISAPPEAR FROM EARTH AND ON JUDGEMENT DAY YOU WILL GET PAID BACK FOR THE HURT AND DAMAGE YOU DID TO THE MARTZ FAMILY.YOU AND YOUR WIFE ARE LOW CLASS SORRY AND GOOD FOR NOTHINGS.IM ANGRY AT THE FACT YOU GOT AWAY WITH ASSULTING YOUR SISTER, MOM, AND SISTER IN LAW, AND YOU STOLE MONEY OFF YOUR DAD.WE DONT WANT YOU AROUND JUST VANISH ALREADY.YOU DESIRVE THE ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR WHAT YOU DID.YOU AND YOUR WIFE ARE LIERS, THIEFS, CONARTISTS, PSCYO, HIPPOCRITES, YOU STOLE FROM FAMILY LONG ENOUGH.YOU NUTCASES LIVE IN A MOBILE HOME YOU LOW LIFE SACK OF HUMAN WASTE.YOU DONT MESS WITH A MARTZ.AND YOU VINCENT E MARTZ EGOR POSTED THIS.AND WE GOT YOU IN THE PERFECT SET UP.WE JUST DONT LIKE YOU EGOR.I CANT WAIT TILL YOU BOTH GO TO PRISON AND THAN DISAPPEAR FOR GOOD.WE ARE SUCCESSFUL AND WHAT ARE YOU AND YOUR WIFE? WORK FOR A LIVING AND YOU EVEN STOLE THE VECHICLES YOU DRIVE AND YOU DONT DESIRVE THEM.EGOR, EGOR, EGOR, EGOR, EGOR, EGOR YOUR DONE FOR NOW...I will say what I think about Vincent martz why do you think you are part of the martz family after all these years and you are the one that called Fulton County pa child services on your sisters children and caused your niece's death and you harrased your sister at walmart assaulted her and picked fights with family and now you steal from family and road rage toward family while driving. And now you visit your dad after the pain you caused family. You don't mess with family and friends you are not part of this family and you will disappear maybe by accident or set up my advice keep your eyes open your life is short. for what you did to deserve to suffer a cruel torture hurtful beating and leave the martz families alone you will vanish. What I have to say about you Vince martz igor has not ended I had this in my thoughts for a long time the pain you caused the martz family is not right you have no remorse or feelings and the martz family hates you we don't want you around better yet we want you dead is a better way to put even stolen money from the grandparents stay away from us ! Vincent martz is a bad Christian witness and testimony to others.bad cussing words, drinks out of control and makes threats to families of martzs In or about January 16, 1985 he had a bad car accident and he lost his license for 8 years and its because of his anger issues uncontrolled rage toward family and he was arrested and charged for driving while drunk and causing a accident. Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania does jumping Jack's in the mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania area, eyes roll and he snarls. Foaming at the mouth.>>>(Vincent eugene martz mercersburg Pennsylvania is a big scum de da lowlife piece of tard human waste McConnellsburg Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Vincent martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor Vincent martz 5692 little cove rd, mercersburg pa 17236 Someone who knows the family Ao Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart cussing harrasment assalt on your family threats shall i go on satan your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan. he is at fault for the death of Nikki martz and the family hates this egor, Igor, Igor.  Vincent martz mcconnellsburg pa the egor, igor friend of julie and stacey martz mcconnellsburg pa and i can tell you all pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania are stand up bible based Christians who are very rich and with prosperity untold they own beach houses, properties, new cars and trucks. They are perfect with no sins attached. And stacey is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa. I can give you alot of information on this vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names, And vincent lost his drivers license for awhile for a car accident in was in what joy it was for this low lifed piece of sh*t to have his a*s kicked from family the adopted foe. And he could not get a girl on his own so he put his profile on a dating site for a woman. A real man meets a woman by his looks.. Whats that say of this ugly piece of retarded trash? And also he was a drug dealer, pscyo dancer in Hagerstown Maryland. His adopted not real parents had to get him. It is a joy to watch this lower than dirt piece of sh*t vincent martz be used and he is not a man he didnt have children. The dirt nutjob r****d lives in a trailer drives junk cars. A Christian is to be perfect in all his ways like pastor stacey and julie martz. Unlike this guy vince martz from what i know he tried to get into julies panties he chased her down when she goes out vincent called fulton county pa child services on her years ago. He wanted s*x with this woman. He caused julie and stacey issues at first in their marriage and they worked it out. This vincent martz of mercersburg pa the igor pa is a big sinner and he deserves punished and run over by a bus. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa detailing cars and trucks. I tell you this foe is a mental retarded piece of sh*t.. >>Julie martz says i will be happy vincent martz when u r dead and what a day it will be. you caused me julie martz alot of sh*t. You brought me the h*ll into your insane life trying to get into my panties to f*ck me. you Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa caused julie to get on pills for bipolar disorder. u tried to get in julies panties. At least your brother has a big d**k and can make kids. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. Oh cry baby little d**k didnt make babies r****d. little d**k lives in a trailer and drives junk cars. Your face is so far up your brothers a*s. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. woman run in fear.. you dream up in your head that u vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor want in julies panties and you want to wiggle ur jiggle to her boobies. Nut job at his best again get over wanting julies hot body. ((vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa. Yours brothers a*s looks like your brothers face because you was adopted and your face has chocolate on it. our semi trucker friend will bash you with julies panties - Martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania Pennsylvania Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor! Let's get together and beat up vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania. This guy is a bad example to the human being population. Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania Friend of julie and stacey martz mcconnellsburg pa and i can tell you all pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania are stand up bible based Christians who are very rich and with prosperity untold they own beach houses, properties, new cars and trucks. They are perfect with no sins attached. And stacey is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa. I can give you alot of information on this vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names, And vincent lost his drivers license for awhile for a car accident in was in what joy it was for this low lifed piece of sh*t to have his a*s kicked from family the adopted foe. And he could not get a girl on his own so he put his profile on a dating site for a woman. A real man meets a woman by his looks.. Whats that say of this ugly piece of retarded trash? And also he was a drug dealer, pscyo dancer in Hagerstown Maryland. His adopted not real parents had to get him. It is a joy to watch this lower than dirt piece of sh*t vincent martz be used and he is not a man he didnt have children. The dirt nutjob r****d lives in a trailer drives junk cars. A Christian is to be perfect in all his ways like pastor stacey and julie martz. Unlike this guy vince martz from what i know he tried to get into julies panties he chased her down when she goes out vincent called fulton county pa child services on her years ago. He wanted s*x with this woman. He caused julie and stacey issues at first in their marriage and they worked it out. This vincent martz of mercersburg pa the igor pa is a big sinner and he deserves punished and run over by a bus. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa detailing cars and trucks. I tell you this foe is a mental retarded piece of sh*t.. >>Julie martz says i will be happy vincent martz when u r dead and what a day it will be. you caused me julie martz alot of sh*t. You brought me the h*ll into your insane life trying to get into my panties to f*ck me. you Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa caused julie to get on pills for bipolar disorder. u tried to get in julies panties. At least your brother has a big d**k and can make kids. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. Oh cry baby little d**k didnt make babies r****d. little d**k lives in a trailer and drives junk cars. Your face is so far up your brothers a*s. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. woman run in fear.. you dream up in your head that u vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor want in julies panties and you want to wiggle ur jiggle to her boobies. Nut job at his best again get over wanting julies hot body. ((vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa. Yours brothers a*s looks like your brothers face because you was adopted and your face has chocolate on it. our semi trucker friend will bash you with julies panties McConnellsburg Topix/ Friend of julie and stacey martz mcconnellsburg pa and i can tell you all pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania are stand up bible based Christians who are very rich and with prosperity untold they own beach houses, properties, new cars and trucks. They are perfect with no sins attached. And stacey is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa. I can give you alot of information on this vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names, And vincent lost his drivers license for awhile for a car accident in was in what joy it was for this low lifed piece of sh*t to have his a*s kicked from family the adopted foe. And he could not get a girl on his own so he put his profile on a dating site for a woman. A real man meets a woman by his looks.. Whats that say of this ugly piece of retarded trash? And also he was a drug dealer, pscyo dancer in Hagerstown Maryland. His adopted not real parents had to get him. It is a joy to watch this lower than dirt piece of sh*t vincent martz be used and he is not a man he didnt have children. The dirt nutjob r****d lives in a trailer drives junk cars. A Christian is to be perfect in all his ways like pastor stacey and julie martz. Unlike this guy vince martz from what i know he tried to get into julies panties he chased her down when she goes out vincent called fulton county pa child services on her years ago. He wanted s*x with this woman. He caused julie and stacey issues at first in their marriage and they worked it out. This vincent martz of mercersburg pa the igor pa is a big sinner and he deserves punished and run over by a bus. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa detailing cars and trucks. I tell you this foe is a mental retarded piece of sh*t.. >>Julie martz says i will be happy vincent martz when u r dead and what a day it will be. you caused me julie martz alot of sh*t. You brought me the h*ll into your insane life trying to get into my panties to f*ck me. you Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa caused julie to get on pills for bipolar disorder. u tried to get in julies panties. At least your brother has a big d**k and can make kids. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. Oh cry baby little d**k didnt make babies r****d. little d**k lives in a trailer and drives junk cars. Your face is so far up your brothers a*s. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. woman run in fear.. you dream up in your head that u vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor want in julies panties and you want to wiggle ur jiggle to her boobies. Nut job at his best again get over wanting julies hot body. ((vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa. Yours brothers a*s looks like your brothers face because you was adopted and your face has chocolate on it. our semi trucker friend will bash you with julies panties - Martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania Pennsylvania McConnellsburg Topix/Craigslist replacement » Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania f Events: friend of julie and stacey martz mcconnellsburg pa and i can tell you all pastor stacey martz and his wife julie martz knobsville Pennsylvania are stand up bible based Christians who are very rich and with prosperity untold they own beach houses, properties, new cars and trucks. They are perfect with no sins attached. And stacey is a master free mason in mcconnellsburg pa. I can give you alot of information on this vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names, And vincent lost his drivers license for awhile for a car accident in was in what joy it was for this low lifed piece of sh*t to have his a*s kicked from family the adopted foe. And he could not get a girl on his own so he put his profile on a dating site for a woman. A real man meets a woman by his looks.. Whats that say of this ugly piece of retarded trash? And also he was a drug dealer, pscyo dancer in Hagerstown Maryland. His adopted not real parents had to get him. It is a joy to watch this lower than dirt piece of sh*t vincent martz be used and he is not a man he didnt have children. The dirt nutjob r****d lives in a trailer drives junk cars. A Christian is to be perfect in all his ways like pastor stacey and julie martz. Unlike this guy vince martz from what i know he tried to get into julies panties he chased her down when she goes out vincent called fulton county pa child services on her years ago. He wanted s*x with this woman. He caused julie and stacey issues at first in their marriage and they worked it out. This vincent martz of mercersburg pa the igor pa is a big sinner and he deserves punished and run over by a bus. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa detailing cars and trucks. I tell you this foe is a mental retarded piece of sh*t.. >>Julie martz says i will be happy vincent martz when u r dead and what a day it will be. you caused me julie martz alot of sh*t. You brought me the h*ll into your insane life trying to get into my panties to f*ck me. you Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg pa caused julie to get on pills for bipolar disorder. u tried to get in julies panties. At least your brother has a big d**k and can make kids. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. Oh cry baby little d**k didnt make babies r****d. little d**k lives in a trailer and drives junk cars. Your face is so far up your brothers a*s. Vincent martz could only get a girlfriend out of a newspaper. woman run in fear.. you dream up in your head that u vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the igor want in julies panties and you want to wiggle ur jiggle to her boobies. Nut job at his best again get over wanting julies hot body. ((vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the nutjob, mental r****d, little di*ck,. His mommy and daddy not his really had used him dig a basement by hand with a pick and shovel. What a blast to watch a dirt bag work like that. We all had joy in calling him names. r****d, dirtbag nutjob, lower than dirt lowlife and to top it off this trash vince works at choice collision center mercersburg pa. Yours brothers a*s looks like your brothers face because you was adopted and your face has chocolate on it. our semi trucker friend will bash you with julies panties - Martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania Pennsylvania>>>We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor, egor! >> vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania is a great big sinner man! repent vincent eugene martz you yellow belly chicken igor, igor, egor! You are not worth any good in this life and you desirve punishment and you are the lowest piece of retarded trama scumbag that exists! You vincent Eugene martz mcconnellsburg pennsylvania the Igor scumbag retarded piece of uranium waste of life deserves to be a bum on the streets begging bread! Life is a blessing vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania and you don't deserve life or any blessings you scumbag, ugly piece of human waste. Cease to exist! McConnellsburg Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Vincent martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania "I will say what I think about Vincent martz why do you think you are part of the martz family after all these years and you are the one that called Fulton County pa child services on your sisters children and caused your niece's death and you harrased your sister at walmart assaulted her and picked fights with family and now you steal from family and road rage toward family while driving. And now you visit your dad after the pain you caused family. You don't mess with family and friends you are not part of this family and you will disappear maybe by accident or set up my advice keep your eyes open your life is short. for what you did to deserve to suffer a cruel torture hurtful beating and leave the martz families alone you will vanish. What I have to say about you Vince martz igor has not ended I had this in my thoughts for a long time the pain you caused the martz family is not right you have no remorse or feelings and the martz family hates you we don't want you around better yet we want you dead is a better way to put even stolen money from the grandparents stay away from us ! Vincent martz is a bad Christian witness and testimony to others.bad cussing words, drinks out of control and makes threats to families of martzs In or about January 16, 1985 he had a bad car accident and he lost his license for 8 years and its because of his anger issues uncontrolled rage toward family and he was arrested and charged for driving while drunk and causing a accident. Vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania does jumping Jack's in the mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania area, eyes roll and he snarls. Foaming at the mouth. We hate vincent eugene martz mercersburg pennsylvania the Igor! Vincent eugene martz mcconnellsburg Pennsylvania dances on the streets begging bread in mcconnellsburg pennsylvania eyes rolling ears wiggle foaming at the mouth screaming out of control lowlife piece of garbage weenie scumbag nutjob.
Call type: Other Rating: 1
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