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833-268-0996 / 8332680996

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Area code: 833
Prefix: 268
Usage: Toll Free
Rating: 1
Views: 727
Comments: 29
Last report time: 2024-04-05
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 833-268-0996. This phone number is registered in, Toll Free and operated by . Phone 8332680996 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 29 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 833-268-0996, 8332680996 , 833-268-0996, +18332680996, tel:+1-833-268-0996, 001833-268-0996
Call Activity 833-268-0996

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Comments for 833-268-0996

This is a total scam, I don't even live in that country for the last 8 years!
Call type: Scam suspicion Rating: 1
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debt collector based out of Mississauga, On
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Debt collector. They keep calling for the wrong name (lack of diligence and I don't have to respond) using (usually vaguely) threatening language in an attempt to scare or intimidate. I think "commencement" means their graduation from "collection class" since the person leaving the message changes almost weekly. Notably, they fail to provide the name of the company (legally required), so I can't check to see if their company is legally registered here to do collections. They lie about mailed paperwork (or are sending it to a different address). At least in this case, due to various laws, the threats are baseless (unless they really want to go to court knowing they will lose and pay expenses too). If they are the debts I think they are, the calls will increase over the next period of time because the debts are going to disappear off of credit reports relatively soon and they lose some leverage. Just because a debtor breaks the law is no excuse whatsoever for the collectors to do so.Oh by the way, to the inevitable replies about paying debts that are owed etc, I am paying MY bills and debts as best I can having moved to an especially economically disastrous region to be where my son's mother took him. I have paid off and closed some accounts already and continue to work on others. The more reasonable the debtor, the more willing I am to work with them.Those who more than triple the debt by continuing to apply the original (now illegal) interest rate will likely never be paid even with their "payoff offers" simply due to the amount of the debt and my disgust with a third party (a few transactions down the line) who bought a debt for fractions of a penny on the dollar and not provably the original agreement, yet believes they can get somewhere with charging such exorbitant amounts. At some point, I may make an offer myself, perhaps even the entire original amount and if they don't accept it, I may take that evidence to court for a cease and decist order.
1 0
This is NATIONAL CREDIT RECOVERY INC also known as NCR or NCRIAddress: 6285 Northam Dr, Mississauga, ON L4V 1X5, CanadaPhone: +1 905-366-0206From earlier reports they also make calls from 844-606-1333, 844-677-6651, and844-244-9954.Please reply with any further known numbers they have used or will use in the future.There is an ongoing class action investigation underway against this company.
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The Earlier post is correct -This is NATIONAL CREDIT RECOVERY INC also known as NCR or NCRIAddress: 6285 Northam Dr, Mississauga, ON L4V 1X5, CanadaPhone: +1 905-366-0206A comma delimited list of known numbers so far is:12042314932,12045950428,12504123983,13067000104,14034562112,14168235493,14168619381,15144022205,15145087470,16042827830,16136272381,17803283711,18005884024,18332680996,18332681005,18442286908,18442449954,18446061330,18446061332,18446061333,18446103970,18446216968,18446216973,18446218218,18446776643,18446776647,18446776651,18553277261,18555614509,18556851314,18664190465,18772695538,18772695540,18772695740,19024427738,19053660206,19054917380As a community, people here and would benefit from establishing consolidated lists for each alleged caller
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That list again, with commas and spaces for formatting is:12042314932, 12045950428, 12504123983, 13067000104, 14034562112, 14168235493, 14168619381, 15144022205, 15145087470, 16042827830, 16136272381, 17803283711, 18005884024, 18332680996, 18332681005, 18442286908, 18442449954, 18446061330, 18446061332, 18446061333, 18446103970, 18446216968, 18446216973, 18446218218, 18446776643, 18446776647, 18446776651, 18553277261, 18555614509, 18556851314, 18664190465, 18772695538, 18772695540, 18772695740, 19024427738, 19053660206, 19054917380
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left voicemail message for me to get my lawyer to call them, or they would issue a court summons, from previous reports i have seen the name of the company is ncr . have not received any mail regarding any owed debts.
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The Class action is against NCR Corp A different Company from these LeechesThey are powerless if your Statue of Limitations are over 2 years They are a Commission Group of Minimum Wage Call Centre Buy Debts for Pennies on the Dollar and adding wild Interest Charges RECORD your messages from them and send it to The Ministry Of Consumers Affairs
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They did send a letter about some monies owned to Preferred Resources LTD from a lawyer. Sent them the following letter as reply since no idea who Preferred Resources LTD is and I can not find anything in my credit report. Debt collector response templateYou’re saying: “This is not my debt.”Use the sample letter on the next page if you want to tell a debt collector that you aren’tresponsible for this debt, and that you don’t want to be contacted again.How to use this template:1. Read the background below.2. Fill in your information on the template letter and edit it as needed to fit your situation.3. Print and mail the letter. Keep a copy for your records.BackgroundThis letter tells the debt collector to stop contacting you unless they can show evidence that youare responsible for this debt. Stopping contact does not cancel the debt. So, if the debt collectorstill believes you really are responsible for the debt, they could still take other action. Forexample, you still might be sued or have the status of the debt reported to a credit bureau.Template letter begins on the next page[Your name][Your return address][Date][Debt collector name][Debt collector Address]Re: [Account number for the debt, if you have it]Dear debt collector,I am responding to your contact about collecting a debt. You contacted me by [phone/mail], on [date]and identified the debt as [any information they gave you about the debt].I do not have any responsibility for the debt you’re trying to collect.If you have good reason to believe that I am responsible for this debt, mail me the documents that makeyou believe that. Stop all other communication with me and with this address, and record that I disputehaving any obligation for this debt. If you stop your collection of this debt, and forward or return it toanother company, please indicate to them that it is disputed. If you report it to a credit bureau (or havealready done so), also report that the debt is disputed.Thank you for your cooperation.Sincerely,[Your name]
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check the message very carefully - I bet they did not say they would issue a summons, rather I bet the wording was "our office will proceed to act as instructed to the fullest extent possible."or "in reference to correspondence mailed to your attention in regards to the formal proceedings that are being initiated at the behest of our client. This call is not a solicitation. Please have either yourself or your representative contact"Note they did not specifically say they were a lawyer or threaten legal action. There is none available to them for a statute barred debt and it is illegal for them to say it. They can face charges and a lawsuite if they do.#############################################################################Payphones-------------Note :: if you make a call from a payphone to a toll free number, you do not need to put any money into it. As a matter of fact, the company that owns the toll free number pays a surcharge to the local phone company for allowing the call. They get charged this even if you drop the handset and let it dangle and walk away. The cost is 0.35 cents on the low end up to $1.00 with a median of 0.50. For a single call this isn't a lot of money but if 100 calls were made to that number a day, assuming the lowest cost of 35 cents, that is $35.00 a day. Now, if 100 calls were made to the number everyday in a month, that would be $1050 a month. If that happened for an entire year, the cost would be $12,000.
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