Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 294-583-3071.
Phone 2945833071 has a neutral user rating. All reports are written by real visitors of this website.
Vincent E. Martz is a 59-year-old resident of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. He currently lives at 5692 Little Cove Road. He has been involved in some controversies, including a tragic incident involving his niece, Nikki Nicole Martz2. Vincent was ... read more
This number comes up as a match to my name on Microsoft search results, and with a different age than MY true age. There is no other ME who has the same first, middle and last name spelled like this that I EVER came across. It's definitely a scam!
I just tried to log into my SS account and could see that this number was trying to get a code to gain access. This country is OUTTA CONTROL. Hey Elmo is this you and your teen gang?
They did the same thing to me. Called me from 770-557-3001 that is a disconnected number from UPS that tells you to call 800-742-5877, However, the indian male left vm to call (866) 706-6894, this is unsettling to me as well because they couldn't ... read more