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666-666-6666 / 6666666666

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Area code: 666
Prefix: 666
Rating: 2.22
Views: 4032
Comments: 314
Last report time: 2019-11-30
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 666-666-6666. Phone 6666666666 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 314 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 666-666-6666, 6666666666 , 666-666-6666, +16666666666, tel:+1-666-666-6666, 001666-666-6666
Call Activity 666-666-6666

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Comments for 666-666-6666

Called me and left a voicemail with screaming in the background saying I need to refill my phone credits. They also used my name and told me to quit hanging up on them, and swore at me in the end.
2 0
I kept getting calls from this number, sometimes it doesn’t leave any voicemails at all, and sometimes they play a screaming sound effect with “this is Talk Chat” recording.
0 0
okay so ive been trying to find stuff out about this number. me and my boyfriend adn his sis were looking at slenderman stuff then he got a text from 16666666666 saying i see you. then we got home later and he looke dup more stuff and the number AGAIN texts saying "i'm here". like, wth? well my bf's freakoing out thinkin it is slenderman but i'm sure it is his sister.
0 0
dont worry about it its a prank call.If they keep calling you then it can be seen as a threat. Email the FBI n tell them what happened.Then call your phone service provider and ask them to block the number that called u and call the police too.
0 0
Got a call from the # 666-666-6666 last night at a little before one in the morning. I didn't answer my phone because I was asleep but then my gf got a call from my brother asking to talk to me the first thing he asks me is if my 4 year old daughter was okay?! The man that had called him had known some very personal stuff going on with my famiIy and then asked where his playtoy was that he missed her (refering to my daughter) I freaked! She was fine, asleep in her bed. Come to find out he also called my work, my brother, his gf, my gf, her friend, two of my coworkers. This is sick! Out of the 9 of us we have a couple of voicemails, mine says " This is Toby, you can't trust the cops". The voice is hard to understand and verrry creppy. ( yes I know Toby is the name of the demon on Paranormal Activity).These websites need to be shut down!! This is NOT funny! I reported my calls to the cops and urged my friends to do the same. We hope we can find some answers this should not go unpunished!
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Isn't it a shame these pathetic people have nothing better to do with their lives?? No doubt it is someone you know pranking you via a spoofed number.
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WAARSCHUWING !!! Dit bericht is niet geschikt onder de 10 jaar en ik wil de het zeggen tegen mijn moeder maar toen gong de tv al aaan ik was al bang dat 6666666666 ging bellen maar nu gebeurfen hrt ik was 14 jaar en mijn moeder 42 en ik zag de tijd tikken toen ik voor het laast gezellig op die leuke blauwe keukentafel zat net mn reet zo als mn vader dat zij maar ja ddaar wonen we nu niet meer door 6666666 woon ik nu in afroca in een krotten wijk en leef ik de reat van mijn leven zuelig en ziek en bijna dood en ik wil zeegne bel geen een een 2 en geen zes zes zes zes zes zesz zess en ik zweer dat het waard is ik woon nu hier zonder vrienden internet en geen telefoon geen computer niet eens een tablet en ik moet muj douchen in schrijt
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you need 10 numbers to complete a call
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this guy knows everybody name and stuff
0 0
Well, I've seen videos of people calling this number in youtube.So, probably it's the devil's number. I'm afraid it has to with the seed in minecraft I call it the Haunted World. You'll see why.
0 0

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