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770-807-3915 / 7708073915

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Area code: 770
Prefix: 807
Country: United States
State: Georgia
City: Stone Mountain
Company: Comcast Phone Of Georgia
Usage: Landline
Time zone: Eastern
Rating: 1.9
Views: 1112
Comments: 183
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 770-807-3915. This phone number is registered in Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States and operated by Comcast Phone Of Georgia. Phone 7708073915 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 183 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 770-807-3915, 7708073915 , 770-807-3915, +17708073915, tel:+1-770-807-3915, 001770-807-3915
Call Activity 770-807-3915

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Comments for 770-807-3915

calm down reading your review I am no longer donating to Hope have convinced me that you are a 'any means necessary' gal...and that is frightening...would you do violence against Richard if face to face? Your posting seems to indicate so....I will not and cannot support that...bye bye...
0 0
770-807-3915 = caller id = 770-807-3915 = robo callcenter, maybe for variety of 'causes' = keeps calling, never leaves a message; last time was Hope House charity = if they are legit, why not put that on your caller ID? I can tell you why...because people are sick of the calls... if you were legit you would try other ways for I bought a call blocker and the number is on it...
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UNKNOWN: This number is really used by Outreach and Hope House. They thought I would answer just because they came through as UNKNOWN. I recognize the number: 770-807-3915. SCAMMERS you are. YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD ON NUMEROUS OCASSIONS NOT TO CALL HERE but that doesn't do any good. SCAMMERS, it will never do YOU any good to call here.
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We've been called three times today by this number. No one has answered when we pick up.
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SCAMMERS 770-807-3915
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SKANKS calling twice today. SCAMMERS if I have ever seen any. STOP CALLING. You have called for years now. NO GOOD. SCAMMERS. 770-807-3915
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I too have asked them not to call, I've told them I had nothing to give, I blocked their numbers and they continue to call--the phone rings just once to let me know it was a blocked call. There are several telephones available that provide call block programming, I have a Panasonic with 4 handsets and it works great.
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I am constantly getting calls from this number. They don't leave a message or don't answer when I pick up the phone. Caller ID says Hope House
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I live local N GA - + I work N the legal field they called me all last summer l long M the midst if me losing a lot of body parts -- when they called last week I didn't answer - when they called this week I answered the phone FYI you can ask anyone since I was small I don't like the phone I'm notorious 4 avoiding the phone like the plaque 2 ... Lol lol This week I got them - When they called I answered - I asked them 4 their official address - when they gave it 2 me I googled it surprise surprise it wasn't a legit ## -- lol lo - I gave them my job description + I called them out on it their address lol lol ;) guess what they hung on me this time -- I guess they won't be calling me back no more AND that WAS that -- humm I guess that did the trick huh - I "" HOPE "" so ... Psps 4 all of those folks who knows VIP folks FYI 4 right now ONLY -- this - it seems that it don't matter who you really do know out there so does it really matter - I know everybody N Cobb county GA --- & N GA Washington DC ... FYI you can't rant & rage all ya want 2 BUT the bottom line is this NATA happened - I think if we as USA citizens went 2 the major tv network like CNN & ECT & maybe IF the great USA folks started an on line petition N the USA - then IT might get noticed - MAYBE then our USA government might pay attention 2 US then - or maybe not - == will it deter the scam artist - FYI I highly doubt it but it might however it's a start -- If there is any other constructive criticism out there that' CAN or will help - just let me know BCZ I will personally volunteer my FREE LEGAL services 2 put a end 2 this none sense utter BS FYI that's all I do is social injustices cases --- honestly you know that saying "" sometimes you have 2 make the difference "" but I've found BY me re visiting - & looking @ OUR past history lessens it's taught me this - these lessons "" sometimes 1 needs 2 BE the difference "" quit talking about it - & do something about it BCZ "" sometimes you must BE the difference "" as 1 person it's hard 2 get action achieved however when it's done N groups OR multiplied then by the #S then BS gets done - achieved == that's when momental CHANGE IS changed AND as N 4 EVER 2 ... There's your silver lining ;) ... I'm game 4 it - is any 1 else --- plz Riddle me that -- be blessed let me know how or IF I can help have a nice day
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I don't like them either. Please stop calling me. We have our own charities in my county. HALL
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