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480-505-8859 / 4805058859

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Area code: 480
Prefix: 505
Country: United States
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Company: Xo Arizona
Usage: Landline
Rating: 2.91
Views: 1428
Comments: 304
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 480-505-8859. This phone number is registered in Phoenix, Arizona, United States and operated by Xo Arizona. Phone 4805058859 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 304 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 480-505-8859, 4805058859 , 480-505-8859, +14805058859, tel:+1-480-505-8859, 001480-505-8859
Call Activity 480-505-8859

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Comments for 480-505-8859

Here's a letter I just sent to the "spam complaint" department at GoDaddy, and I'll copy Bob Parsons (GoDaddy's CEO) as well:I got "traditional spam" - a telemarketing phone call - from someone who said his name was Jeff and that he worked for His telephone number was 480-505-8859I have such an intense dislike of all telemarketing that I have been on every Do Not Call list since they were invented. I normally don't do business with anyone who engages in telemarketing. Further, after doing a Google search on that phone number, I find other Internet users have also been getting unwanted calls from this number.Bob Parsons makes a big deal about being innovative, but your company is now behaving in a really old-fashion and obnoxious manner.Since I've been a long-time customer of GoDaddy, and have been happy with the service up until now, I'm reluctant to move to another domain name provider. But I will do just that if I ever get another junk call from your company. So, I'll spell it out: Your company has no permission to ever call me in the future, for any reason. And I won't recommend your company so highly in the future. I've probably recommended dozens of people to you, but now I'll have to warn them that "GoDaddy seems good, but they telemarket, so beware!"
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same thing, a call from "jeremy" at godadddy, thanks for your business, let me answer any questions. i don't have any bloody questions!
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Got a voicemail from "Corbin" that was 'calculatedly' too fast to catch what he was on about - sounded like he said or something - but the number was loud and clear: 480-505-8859.If I had ANYTHING to do with the website, or even the infrastructure at our company, it might make some sense. I'm in SALES, however, so am thinking their tactics to ramp sales are to call every number in a corporate directory in hopes of achieving a sale; after all, the higher the volume of rejection means that it also has a corresponding increase in acceptance as well - right?
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I received a call from GoDaddy, which is actually not a problem at all, it's just that I live overseas at a military base, so they call at a ridiculous hour, usually 3 or 4am. Granted, whoever calls possibly might not be aware, but I have a funky address, and if you google my zip code it SHOWS that I am located in JAPAN not the UNITED STATES.
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I've been a GoDaddy user for a couple years now, I just renewed a domain only 2 weeks ago and today I got a call from this number. The voice mail was pretty neutral, thanking me for using their service and "wondering if they could help my business in anyway".I also paid the ~$10 to keep my domain info private, obviously this should be a sign I don't want to receive any spam from people viewing my domain info, GoDaddy should take this is a sign that the person will not appreciate the call (honestly I didn't).If they call again, I'll answer and asked to be taken off the list, but I do loose a little respect for them contacting me in reference to a domain that I paid extra for to keep my info hidden from the public.
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Godaddy called to ask if there was anything they could assist me with. I didn't answer, as I don't answer unexpected calls from numbers i don't know.The message they left was friendly. Still, I don't want calls - just email me and let me choose when to contact you.It's especially annoying when they're calling your mobile phone - and leaving a pointless voicemail, which just uses up minutes when you listen to it.
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Ya know. As a business owner myself this is unreal the amount of babies who cry about a phone call.If all it takes is a phone call to get your panties in a twist you morons have entirely too much time to complain.I for one appreciate a company who takes the initiative to call and follow-up. It shows THEY CARE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. Lets see how "thankful" you are when the other company who doesn't give two [***] about you never contacts you to warn you that your domain is about to expire and you never selected auto-renew. I'll bet that "annoying" telephone call would have been a blessing.Do us all a favor, Drop your self righteous attitude, answer the phone and say "No, Thanks" then get on with you life.This concludes your lesson of the day.
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GoDaddy telemarketing operating rouge in violation of their privacy policy and customer telemarketing preferences. FTC notified.
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I dont get it. Im with you on this one. I got this call just a minute ago. I only get this call every time i renew my domain. i think its actually helpful they care. they dont ask me any questions. they just thank me for renewing my domains and if i had any questions to call them with the number they called me from ( they actually said it too). so i agree that most of you are just complaining about nothing. i been with them more then 8 years already. they do this once a year. big deal. atleast when they call, they only call that once.
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if you care about 1 minute beinging wasted then you have the worst phone service. most of you guys just complain too much!
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