Read comments about 802-681-4148
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Area code: | 802 |
Prefix: | 681 |
Country: | United States |
State: | Vermont |
City: | Bennington |
Company: | Level 3 Communications |
Usage: | Landline |
Time zone: | Eastern |
Leave a comment about 8026814148:
it's 951am and I too have just received a call ,on the call display it comes up VERMONT .Im off on maternity leave and you would be amazed at all the calls one gets in a day that are bogus !!!
I just received a call from the same phone number 802.681.4148. There was an automated message (happy female voice) congratulating me on my prize of a free Caribbean vacation. The message then told me to press 9 to claim my prize. After I pressed 9 a male voice picked up and introduced himself as David Vaughan from Vacations Promotion.I confirmed his name and that of the company he said he was calling from. Then I asked him how he got my name and he replied that it was from a time share I might have went on over the previous 7 YEARS (!?) or some sort of purchase I might have recently made. Then the phone signal started to break up. He then stated that he wanted to ask me some questions, the first being if I was 21 or over. I asked him if he knew who he was speaking to and David said no. Then the signal became weaker. David said that it was too hard to continue and hung up. Very weird.Definitely a scam. I don't know what they wanted. But not good at all.
j'ai reçu un appel du 802-681-4148 me disant que j'avais gagné un téléviseur ou un voyage c'était une bande enregistrée personne ne m'a parlé ça m'inquiète, peut-il se passer quelque chose pendant que nous tentons de parler????
Received a call from Vermont (1-802-681-4148) this morning at 11:21 AM. As soon as the lady said congratulations, I hung up. Now you don't get angry, you get even. If you have a computer with "fax" sending capabilities, you can return the call. Since it is not a fax number it will just keep on ringing. I've set mine to ring on an hourly basis starting at 1:00 PM through to 10:00 PM. Lighten up! Have a little fun.A 1-800 - Number is even better. You can set it to ring as often as you like. Doesn't cost you a dime.
got a phone call telling me that i won a cruise, and said press 9 to claim your way will i press 9 just as i suspected it is a scam false advertising.why don't these people get shut down. fraudulent telemarketers..... i hate that, waste of timepeeved in canada
I just got the call from this stupid number, 802-681-4148. I didn't answer it and they didn't leave a message. The 802 area code is for the state of Vermont.If anyone that uses this board has Shaw digital phone, you can press *60 to access a selective call rejection service that's included the digital phone service. It blocks the number from phoning again. I don't know how many numbers you can block. When I had telus, I was only allowed to block 10 numbers. I'm at 10 now with all the scamming telelmarketing calls that I've recieved since August.
SAlut moi aussi je viens juste de recevoir un appel du 802 681-4148. Je trouvais ca assez louche de gagner un prix. j'ai appuyez sur le 9 et parlé à qq1 qui m'a finalement raccroché au nez parce que je ne voulais pas lui dire quel était ma carte de crédit...espérons qu'ils ne rappeleront pas.
moi aussi quand jai eu ce tel jai voulue appeller et mon tel a comme bogger jai peser sur 9 et jai eu quelqun au bout de la ligne mais moi je l'entendais mais elle non, VOICI UN CONSEIL JE TRAVAILLE POUR BELL, VOUS POUVEZ FAIRE BLOQUER CE NUMERO BIENSURE CELA VOUS COUTERAS 5 BEAU DOLLARD PAR MOI POUR AVOIR LA PAIX MAIS VOUS POUVEZ SOIT CHANGER DE NUMÉRO DE TEL OU FAIRE UNE PLAINTE A LA POLICE (SURTOUT SIL VOUS MENACE)BONNE CAHNCE A TOUTS!