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561-891-5897 / 5618915897

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Area code: 561
Prefix: 891
Country: United States
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Company: Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
Usage: Wireless
Time zone: Eastern
Rating: 2.48
Views: 1372
Comments: 141
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 561-891-5897. This phone number is registered in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States and operated by Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless. Phone 5618915897 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 141 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 561-891-5897, 5618915897 , 561-891-5897, +15618915897, tel:+1-561-891-5897, 001561-891-5897
Call Activity 561-891-5897

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Comments for 561-891-5897

Marha stwewart did time for lying..theft by deception is illegal
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he just sent this email 2 days ago from 561-866-9420 he is using now is Paul Geary....... Hello, my name is Paul Geary. I'm a partner in A G P (Azoff Geary Paul) we are a management firm that represents various musical artists. One of the bands we rep is Godsmack. The drummer of that band is Shanon Larkin. Shannon has a break coming up from the current tour that the band is on. He will have about two weeks off and is going to S. Florida, to deal w/ a house and a few cars that he recently purchased there. He has been extremely busy and going very hard for the last few months and is looking to take some time to decompress. . He actually had wanted me to try and contact you when he was in Houston recently, however there just wasn't time for that to happen while he was there. Apparently he had saved your info and now has asked me again, to try and contact you to see if you are available, to travel immediately to Florida. to spend a few days w/ him there. I cant at this time really tell you exactly how long you would be w/him there, however I can and will guarantee to you, a minimum of two days, w/ a very strong possibility of it extending for a longer period of time . That of course will depend on how well the two of you get along. I have to be honest w/ you, and tell you that I do think its a little ridiculous for him to want to fly anyone, (nothing specifically aimed at you personally) across the country for something such as this. As you can imagine there are a bounty of beautiful women in S Florida that I could, (and much more easily for everyone i might add) have make his acquaintance. However he has made it clear that he in fact doesn't wish to do it this way. He wants to see you, so, since that is his wish, that is what I'll attempt to do, That is the reason for this very long E mail. I simply wanted to try and give you as much Info on me and my firm so you can do your due diligence and check that this is a real and legitimate offer So you know we do have a full in house travel dept.. that will take care of all your travel arrangements by booking you ROUND TRIP flight, your hotel, as well as your rental car. This will all be booked pre -paid and you will have E Mail confirmations sent to you to . You will then be able check in on line, as well as print out all your itineraries before leaving to go see him. If you are interested and available to see Shannon A.S,A,P, please give me a call @ 561-866-9420 or simply E mail me at this Addy. and let me know Thanks Paul.....................
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I am in disbelief as I read all of this, I too was a victim on January 19th of this year. In complete shock to say the least and can not believe I did not find anything on this jerk before. So glad to be safe. Just...... WOW!!!
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The aka Robert Weiner scammed me in January posing as the Nickelback bassist then stole 3k. Dumba$$$ just sent me an email trying to scam me again: Hello my name is Paul Geary I am Co-Founder. and artist management director for AGP Mgmt Inc.. We are a management corp. that represents various musical talent. One of the groups we represent is the band Godsmack The drummer, Shannon Larkin, Had recently been in Austin .and had seen your ad on line somewhere. He had wanted me to try and schedule an overnight appt. w/ you while he was there, however there just wasn't time for that while he was there. His schedule was very tight at the time and there just wasn't any way to make it happen. He is now in S. Florida and had apparently saved your info and has now once again asked me to try and contact you to see if you would be willing and available, to travel to Miami to spend a few days there with him. He is currently there dealing w/ a new house and several cars that he has recently purchased there, although they are actually in the midst of a tour right now, there is a 5 week break before picking back up again. I can tell you that this would be for at least Two days, but could very well extend to several days, depending on how well the two of you get along, as well as what your schedule will allow. As I said, I will guarantee you a minimum of Two days to make sure that it is worth your time. I will tell you in all honesty, I tried to talk Shannon out of bringing someone across the country for this (or close to it, as there are allot of beautiful women in the Miami area that I could get to spend time w/ him there, however he has his mind made up his mind that he wants me to try to get you to come. So since that is what he wants to do, that is what I'm going to attempt to make happen. So you understand we have a full, in house travel dept. that will take care of all your travel needs, (i.e. flight, hotel, rental car, etc.) and have e mail confirmations sent to you prior to your leaving. this will al be done obviously after we are able to get all the necessary details worked out between us. Once we are able to get the logistics of everything worked out between us, I will have to have you speak to him directly to make sure that both of you are comfortable w. each other and that this will be a definite go. He will obviously have the final say in all of this, as it is his money that I will be spending on all this. If you could get in touch w/ me at your earliest convenience I would greatly appreciate it as he wants me to try and get you here right away . You can either e mail me at this addy. or simply call me at 305-308-0666. Honestly calling me is probably best as it will make things easier and faster. Thanks for your time in reading this extremely long e mail but I just wanted to try and give you as much info as poss. so you can do your due diligence and we can proceed as quickly as poss. Thanks again and ttys, Paul
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Just received this email, but after reading all these comments, no way am I going to go..... Hello, my name is Paul Geary. I'm a partner in A G P (Azoff Geary Paul) we are a management firm that represents various musical artists. One of the bands we rep is Godsmack. The drummer of that band is Shanon Larkin. Shannon has a break coming up from the current tour that the band is on. He will have about two weeks off and is going to S. Florida, to deal w/ a house and a few cars that he recently purchased there. He has been extremely busy and going very hard for the last few months and is looking to take some time to decompress. . He actually had wanted me to try and contact you when he was in Houston recently, however there just wasn't time for that to happen while he was there. Apparently he had saved your info and now has asked me again, to try and contact you to see if you are available, to travel immediately to Florida. to spend a few days w/ him there. I cant at this time really tell you exactly how long you would be w/him there, however I can and will guarantee to you, a minimum of two days, w/ a very strong possibility of it extending for a longer period of time . That of course will depend on how well the two of you get along. I have to be honest w/ you, and tell you that I do think its a little ridiculous for him to want to fly anyone, (nothing specifically aimed at you personally) across the country for something such as this. As you can imagine there are a bounty of beautiful women in S Florida that I could, (and much more easily for everyone i might add) have make his acquaintance. However he has made it clear that he in fact doesn't wish to do it this way. He wants to see you, so, since that is his wish, that is what I'll attempt to do, That is the reason for this very long E mail. I simply wanted to try and give you as much Info on me and my firm so you can do your due diligence and check that this is a real and legitimate offer So you know we do have a full in house travel dept.. that will take care of all your travel arrangements by booking you ROUND TRIP flight, your hotel, as well as your rental car. This will all be booked pre -paid and you will have E Mail confirmations sent to you to . You will then be able check in on line, as well as print out all your itineraries before leaving to go see him. If you are interested and available to see Shannon A.S,A,P, please give me a call @ 561-866-9420 or simply E mail me at this Addy. and let me know Thanks Paul.....................
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Just received this email from agp.paul@yahoo; guess he has another phone number now too:Hello my name is Paul Geary I am Co-Founder. and artist management director for AGP Mgmt Inc.. We are a management corp. that represents various musical talent. One of the groups we represent is the band Godsmack The drummer, Shannon Larkin, Had recently been in Boston and had seen your ad on line somewhere. He had wanted me to try and schedule an overnight appt. w/ you while he was there, however there just wasn't time for that while he was there. His schedule was very tight at the time and there just wasn't any way to make it happen. He is now in S. Florida and had apparently saved your info and has now once again asked me to try and contact you to see if you would be willing and available, to travel to Miami to spend a few days there with him. He is currently there dealing w/ a new house and several cars that he has recently purchased there, although they are actually in the midst of a tour right now, there is a 5 week break before picking back up again. I can tell you that this would be for at least Two days, but could very well extend to several days, depending on how well the two of you get along, as well as what your schedule will allow. As I said, I will guarantee you a minimum of Two days to make sure that it is worth your time. I will tell you in all honesty, I tried to talk Shannon out of bringing someone across the country for this (or close to it, as there are allot of beautiful women in the Miami area that I could get to spend time w/ him there, however he has his mind made up his mind that he wants me to try to get you to come. So since that is what he wants to do, that is what I'm going to attempt to make happen. So you understand we have a full, in house travel dept. that will take care of all your travel needs, (i.e. flight, hotel, rental car, etc.) and have e mail confirmations sent to you prior to your leaving. this will al be done obviously after we are able to get all the necessary details worked out between us. Once we are able to get the logistics of everything worked out between us, I will have to have you speak to him directly to make sure that both of you are comfortable w. each other and that this will be a definite go. He will obviously have the final say in all of this, as it is his money that I will be spending on all this. If you could get in touch w/ me at your earliest convenience I would greatly appreciate it as he wants me to try and get you here right away . You can either e mail me at this addy. or simply call me at 561-961-9662 . Honestly calling me is probably best as it will make things easier and faster. Thanks for your time in reading this extremely long e mail but I just wanted to try and give you as much info as poss. so you can do your due diligence and we can proceed as quickly as poss. Thanks again and ttys, Paul
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What every happened as far as the police busting this guy? I just got back from Florida and he scammed me too. We NEED to take this guy down!!!
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They are at it again, new # 954-383-3612 and he is calling himself Tony Ciulla and representing Chris Vienna from Marilyn Manson. Ladies, use your heads ...if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
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Hello my name is Irving (Irv) Azoff. I am Founder and Artist Management Director for C. A.M./Front Line mgmt.. We are a The numanagement corp. that represents various musical talent. One of the groups we represent is the band Breaking Benjimin The Drummer Chad Szeliga had recently seen your ad on line somewhere, while he was in L A recently, and had wanted me to try and schedule an over night appt. w/ you while he was there. However there just wasn't time for that while he was there. His was very tight at the time and there just wasn't any way to make it happen. He is now in S. Florida and had apparently saved your info. He has once again asked me to try and contact you to see if you would be willing and available, to travel to Miami to spend a few days there with him. He is currently there dealing w/ a new house and several cars that he has recently purchased there,. I can tell you that this would be for at least Two days, but could very well extend to several days,depending on how well the two of you get along, as well as what your schedule will allow. As I said, I will guarantee you a minimum of Two days to make sure that it is worth your time. I will tell you in all honesty, I tried to talk Chad out of bringing someone across the country for this (or close to it, as there are allot of beautiful women in the Miami area that I could get to spend time w/ him there, however he has his mind made up his mind that he wants me to try to get you to come. So since that is what he wants to do, that is what I'm going to attempt to make happen. So you understand we have a full, in house travel dept. that will take care of all your travel needs, (i.e. flight, hotel, rental car, etc.) and have e mail confirmations sent to you prior to your leaving. this will all be done after we are able to get all the necessary details worked out between us. Once we are able to get the logistics of everything worked out between us, I will have to have you speak to him directly to make sure that both of you are comfortable w. each other and that this will be a definite go. He will obviously have the final say in all of this, as it is his money that I will be spending on all this. If you could get in touch w/ me at your earliest convenience I would greatly appreciate it as he wants me to try and get you here right away . You can either e mail me at this addy. or simply call me at my Florida number as I am also there setting up our new East Coast offices,@561-212-4704. so we can proceed as quickly as poss., as this would be for ASAP. Thanks again and ttys, Irvmber they are using now is:: 561-212-4704
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