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614-717-4395 / 6147174395

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Area code: 614
Prefix: 717
Country: United States
State: Ohio
City: Dublin
Company: Ameritech Ohio
Usage: Landline
Time zone: Eastern
Rating: 1.97
Views: 1478
Comments: 216
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 614-717-4395. This phone number is registered in Dublin, Ohio, United States and operated by Ameritech Ohio. Phone 6147174395 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 216 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 614-717-4395, 6147174395 , 614-717-4395, +16147174395, tel:+1-614-717-4395, 001614-717-4395
Call Activity 614-717-4395

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Comments for 614-717-4395

Just got a call from this number asking for my son. When I inquired who it was, they said: Is this is wife? I said: His mother. They said it was a personal matter and they could not tell me. I asked for the number and they gave me 1800-999-0203. The caller's name was Tina.
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Got a call from them this morning in regards to a debt with AAFES that was paid in full and closed in early April. I wish I could sound like I always have my stuff together, but I'll keep it honest and say this isn't my first rodeo with a debt collection agency...and they are all rude and obnoxious, that's why their clients hire them, is to annoy the debtees (us) into paying them.Anyway, I actually had a decent conversation and after some calls to the original creditor we saw the mix-up and it was closed. However, I'm not holding my breath, I'm thinking this won't be the last I hear from them about this matter (they didn't get paid, that doesn't go over well even when it's not my fault!). I'll be sure to update this.
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Got a call from that number and I am so grateful for this site. The call was about someone I used to work with who never used my land line for anything!!! I didn't know what it was about, told them it was a wrong number, then they asked if I knew the person- I said no and hung up. The caller ID was Sol O and 1-614-717-4395. Just wanted to post the additional information.
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The people are calling about a Student Loan Debt from the US Separtment of education and are a collections agency. They are calling listed references on the application to get information on the borrower. If you want them to stop calling you request it and then report it if they call again.
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Collection agency trying to collect on a student loanEdfund and the US DEPT OF EDUCATION HAS RULED THAT THE ACCOUNT IS ON COLLECTION HOLD UNTIL JUL 22 2008.THIS IS MAY 15 2008.
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It was a missed call from this number, and they left no message. it was always busy when I tried to call back to find out who it was. I Googled the number and found this site. Based on what I read here, I won't be calling them back again or picking up if they call me!!
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i had an oops! not a gentle man but an individual by the name of "Tony whithers" call my home and with total disregard and disrespect to my family members.on the 16 of may at 10:58am my wife recieved a call from this individual "Tony whithers" asking for a person that does not live wife kindly told him that the person your asking for does not live here.he said "my name is tony whats your name?"my wife said "your not calling for me you dont need to know my name."the man unpleasently continued on and said,"you dont need to give me attitude its Friday and its nice day out, dont give me attitude!"my wife simply answered that person does not live here, bye.immediatly after she hung up he called back. Then thats when i answered and he said to me in a totally disrespectfull and inconsiderate fashion . "Hey man tell her that she doesnt have to get an attitude with me all i want is for her/or you to give me the number to where this person is at!" I was so blown away by this guys way of speaking to me the i responded with "wow, you are calling my home and talking to me like i know were this person lives!he said "hey man dont try to get all loud with me just give me the number or address of this person and the calls will end man.but you dont need to get all loud like your going to do something!" I said "HEY THE WAY YOU ARE SPEAKING TO ME IS HERASSMENT AND I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOUR SUPERVISER PLEASE! he told me and i quote "NO YOU DONT NEED TO TALK TO MY SUPERVISER, FOR WHAT,JUST GIVE ME THE NUMBER AND ILL GET OUT OF YOUR HAIR MAN! I immediatly hung up my phone and looked you guys up I AM JUST SO UPSET OVER THIS PERSON AND HOW HE TREATED MY WIFE AND MY SELF.I UNDERSTAND YOU FOLKS HAVE A JOB TO DO BUT THIS "TONY WHITHERS"REALLY INSULTED BOTH MY WIFE AND I.ILL TELL YOU WHAT I SERVED MY COUNTRY ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY SO THAT A YOUNG PUNK LIKE THIS CAN INSULT ME IN MY OWN HOME, ILL TELL YOU GUYS OUR GREAT NATION IS GOING TO HELL IN A HAY BASKET BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE THIS.I WOULD LIKE FOR SOME ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON THIS MATTER. THANK YOU FOR TIME SGT. D.S E-MAIL SAHAGUN_ICE@YAHOO.COM
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I received a call from this number and they knew my employer, implying they would try and get in touch with my payroll department. They had my cell and home number, wrong SSN, Wrong Birthdate, wrong address and I think this is a collection agency who has called me at least 15 times who has the wrong person with the same first and last name in the town I live in that owe some outstanding student loans. I have notified the Atty General of this situation in the past and it still persists. Scarry!
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Receive several occasional calls to two owned cell phones for a "Shannon" from a female caller. I have asked her to remove our cell phone #'s from her call list as a "Shannon" is unknown to us. We still receive the calls.
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I think this company is getting a little smarter and taking a different approach on contacting people. I never received a phone call from these people by that number, I actualy got something in the mail from a Skip Johnson at 5626 Frantz Road Dublin, OH. It is just a single piece of paper stating that I need to call an 800-683-9759 and that there is an automated voice message waiting for me after I type in this special meesage ID code. There is no company name, no 614 phone number, just a return address. Did a quick google search of the address and landed here. THANKS! I'll make sure not to call now. Hopefully everyone knows, even if you have caller id block on your personal phone, whenever you dial an 800 number your number is always displayed on the other end.
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