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336-578-3500 / 3365783500

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Area code: 336
Prefix: 578
Country: United States
State: North Carolina
City: Burlington
Company: Bellsouth Telecomm Inc DBA Southern Bell Tel & Tel
Usage: Landline
Time zone: Eastern
Rating: 1.7
Views: 2418
Comments: 316
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 336-578-3500. This phone number is registered in Burlington, North Carolina, United States and operated by Bellsouth Telecomm Inc DBA Southern Bell Tel & Tel. Phone 3365783500 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 316 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 336-578-3500, 3365783500 , 336-578-3500, +13365783500, tel:+1-336-578-3500, 001336-578-3500
Call Activity 336-578-3500

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Comments for 336-578-3500

Check out the NEW Kitchen Carolina website.... they have testimonials from satisfied customers. I am sure that they are all fabricated. There is no way that they could get that many people to say they did a "great job". I can't believe that they are selling their "services" again... hopefully new customers will do some research before they sign. It makes me sick to see the Selfors continue to rip people off and get away with it...It's not right.
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no you don't, you ship people boxes
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It is not turn key. YOU have to supply the lights, appliances, ect. and what you see in the pictures is not what they do. IF you want the extra's such as under counter lighting you will pay $1500.00 for it and they only pay the electrician $300.00 . Painting is also not included and if they ruin your ceiling (like they did mine) then you have to pay someone to come in and redo your ceiling that you otherwise would not have had to have done. If you have any common knowledge do not let these people in your house as I did I regret the day they stepped foot in my house and will regret it till the day I die. Get you own local people (licensed contractors) to do the work. Everyone at my work it calling my kitchen "Hell's Kitchen" I have been to hell and back with this company.
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Not happy with the customer service from these people. Jason Nui was our first visitor trying to push the sale, against my better judgement I agreed to go into the deal, based on the price, the financing, & the finished product being a "turn-key" kitchen. Boy, was I led astray. About a week after Jason's first visit a GE Money Bank card showed up the mail with an $8800 limit, I thought this is weird, we ordered nothing, got nothing yet we are in $8800 of debt?Our second visitor was Jason again, to sign the "contract".Jessica came by a few weeks later, to do the design. The work she did was pretty good, not the greatest, but it for what it was worth, it looked fine to me. I am guessing she is the one who specified what cabinets, hardware & add-ons that would be ordered. So far it seems like she did a pretty goood job, I'm only half way through the install though.We were told the cabinets would take about 3 weeks to get from the factory. Fair enough. 3 weeks went by, no cabinets, no call. I put a a call into Kitchen Carolina(KC) got transfered to a "project manager's voicemail", & never recieved a call back, until a week later. I then received a call saying the cabinets would be delivered on 11/18. Alright.About early November, I revceived a call saying the cabinet delivery day has been moved to 12/18. I said, "Woah, woah, woah. I am having Christmas at my house this year I can't have a torn up kitchen, or piles of boxes in my house". KC delayed delivery unitl 12/28.On 12/28, I received a call from Tyler Sheets, stating KC could no longer perform the install on our cabinets or granite counters. I told them, "the entire deal is off, I need a check for $8800 to me so I can pay off the GE Money Bank accontt immediately. You keep your cabinets, I'm through with you people".Mr. Sheets informed me that due to a contractual agreement the cabinets were mine and I was required to accept delivery of the cabinets. Fair enough, screwed a little by the contract.We settled on a price. However, as of this writing I have not received a check from KC (not that it would be any good) or do I have documented eveidence that GE money has processed the dispute that Cana Selfors of KC told me to file with GE Money Bank.I received delivery of the cabinets on 12/30. The delivery people from Armstrong were quite professional & helpful. I have installed the first part of the cabinets. Not so bad.I just feel bad for the people who have been really screwed by this company and its employees. If they are to continue to do business, they should call themselves boxes clearing house, because they are unable to supply anything but that.
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Google has moved the paid american kitchen add to the right margin of the page. This is a pay per click area so click away. since the add is the only one on the page they are not having to pay much but if you see more adds its costing them more so keep on clicking,Let the hits keep coming hahaha
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Can someone tell me is this is true ? They state on their website that they have successfully installed over 600 Kitchens in North Carolina in 2009 ?That's impressive - if true. That boils down to over 60 Kitchens per month and 15 per week. If this is true then these forums I see may indicate simple noise from a small percentage of homeowners led astray. I can accept that if its the case.
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Tyler Sheets was wrong.... you had a contract for a turn key kitchen. There is no way that they could force you to accept delivery of cabinets without honoring the rest of the agreement that you signed. You had a contract for TURN KEY kitchen....this included installation of the cabinets, granite, etc. I hope you got a GREAT deal on the cabinets. I hate to think that they coerced you into thinking that you had to accept the didn't. THEY violated the contract not you. If you are concerned that you got taken...I would definately contact an attorney and let them look at your contract. An inital consultation is usually around $150.00. My gut tells me that KC took advantage of the situation and told you that you had to accept the cabinets. This is NOT right. I would contact GE Money and I would also contact Linda Matthews at the NC Dept of Justice Consumer Affairs Dept. I think that she would recommmend that you file a complaint ( to go with all the others). Good luck to you.
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i find it funny that a liar such as rob selfors is not even a good one,hes had a lifetime of lying to perfect his art of lying. i hope that he realizes that the more he does the more we know.this is not going away any time soon.what he doesn't get is that everyone and there mother knows everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie,he swears to god on everything he says as the truth.i wonder if his pastor has realized he lies so much and makes any excuse at all to lie.he lies to cover up a lie he says.its almost like hes in a hole thats 6 feet deep and if he tells the truth ,he can get out of that hole,but with all the lies hes told that hole is now 25 feet deep he needs to get out of.the only god he has is the devil.
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Hi NIMBY, thanks for the words of advice. I was definitely coerced into accepting delivery of the cabinets, Mr. Sheets referenced section 10.2 of the contract (I believe that was it, I do not have the contract in front of me right now) Once I get the contact in front of me I can quote it, but it basically says the contractor (KC) may cancel the contract at anytime, and seek recovery for previously ordered custom cabinets, including profit. GE Money bank has been sent the dispute form the same day it was requested by Cana Selfors. If it turns out that GE Money Bank never credit my account then KC will be sent an invoice for the services I had to provide. My rate is not cheap, about $200 per hour(yes, I am at least that good). currently, I am at about 16 hours, & only half the cabinets are in. Then I'll add the cost of the counters, quotes are coming in around $2000. Then the additional plumber cost, at least $150. What is the best way to go about contacting Linda Matthews at NCDOJ Consumer Affairs Department? I read through the posts on here & feel horrible for the families that have had to go without a kitchen because of this company. On a side note, I spoke with contractor today, who said that there is information going around that Kitchen Carolina has been purchased by Armstrong Cabinets, due to outstanding receivables, or something like that. Not sure if this is true or not?
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Final piece of crown molding & toe kicks installed this past weekend. I hope this company can learn to represent itself for what it truly is. 24 hrs & counting.
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