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212-796-4064 / 2127964064

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Area code: 212
Prefix: 796
Country: United States
State: New York
City: New York
Company: Teleport Communications Group
Usage: Landline
Time zone: Eastern
Rating: 2.75
Views: 1177
Comments: 158
Please check information, users rating and reports about phone number 212-796-4064. This phone number is registered in New York, New York, United States and operated by Teleport Communications Group. Phone 2127964064 has a negative user rating. The number may be unsafe. All reports are written by real visitors of this website. This number has 158 user reports.
Phone number formats: +1 212-796-4064, 2127964064 , 212-796-4064, +12127964064, tel:+1-212-796-4064, 001212-796-4064
Call Activity 212-796-4064

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Comments for 212-796-4064

There may be malware on your PC, have you cleaned it out or reformatted your drive and reloaded the OS? Trojans like Zbot are silent and stealthy with poor detection rates because they morph constantly.
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If the program was only saved and not executed and deleted, you're probably OK. If they had control of your PC, they would be driving your screen cursor around on your screen as you watched, and if that didn't happen, you're safe. Still wouldn't hurt to scan with antivirus software. Try Malwarebytes - free home-user download, first install, then update virus definitions, then scan. FYI, if you want to destroy a malicious file, it's better to erase the file (overwrites file sectors with random 0s and 1s) than delete. Delete only changes the leading character of the file name so File Manager can't find it, the file is still intact on your drive. I use Eraser by - free download, donation requested, google "eraser"
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If by "Victor, who showed me all the corrupt files that were on my computer," you mean he remoted into your PC via logmein or another website (could Victor move your mouse on your screen as you watched?), you may have malware on your PC and yes, he or other criminals may have a back door into your PC. The safest fix is to reformat your drive and reload your OS assuming you have clean copy of your data. Scanning with antivirus may not find all malware. If you don't know how, get help from geek friends or pay a local shop to do it.
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Same thing has happened to me, I knew it was BS when he mentioned windows as I also have a Mac.
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I had a call on the 17th May 2011 at approx 1845hrs, from the 'so called" Windows Service Centre, Indian speaking named "Steven" who claims that I have downloaded something over the net and it's causing problem on my terminal and it's slowing down. To be more on the safe side I did ask the caller "How do I verify that its the correct person?" Rightfully from the service centre and asked him for his contact number to call him back, unfortunately he gave me this number "441865522721", no answer.I would suggest to users to have them drop you a mail if they want to help you. Also if they know the problem exist in your terminal they should be able to provide you with your ip address.Do not reveal anything or any information to anyone without verifying the details.Regards
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I had two calls from this so called 24x7PC help based in Auckland. I don't have a caller ID, so I don't know where the calls came from. The first was about three days ago from a man with an Indian accent. He sounded very tense and rude. He told me the same story about the error messages. When I asked him how he got my phone number, he said it was the one I registered my windows with. That gave it away as I have changed my phone number recently and not used this number for anything. Yesterday a lady called claiming to be Kate but with an Indian accent. She gave the same story but went on to try and convince me about spyware from unknown internet sites. I told her that I open only McAfee safe sites, my antivirus software is up-to-date and that I don't get any error messages on my computer. She hung up abruptly. It doesn't sound straight.
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had the same call just now (14 june, 2011). guy called "jim" with above number.... told him to drop me an email. definitly a scam. do not reveal any information.
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In Singapore. I got the call today and didn't buy (the same) story
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Just had a guy call from these losers, same company as above (PC Help 24/7), told him to give me a contact phone number and the same phone number Auckland 099849405 was given. He said we had corrupt files and they got our number from Microsoft Windows because PC Help 24/7 has been outsourced by Microsoft to inform their customers of corrupt data. Asked to speak to his boss and after a little while he put on the Chairman of the company LOL After questioning chairman (another man with an Indian accent) he said he didnt have enough time to talk and would give to agent LOL The line was really bad and am sure they're not based in Auckland...Always thort it was dodgy so googled the number while on the phone and thankfully came up with this site!!! THANKS SO MUJ TO ALL WHO HAVE POSTED ABOUT THIS SCAM..Hope the losers get caught..You know what was funny though...Near end of call he said his name was Jason Smith, but he started off saying his name was Nathan Smith!!! hahhahaha LOSERS!!!
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I received a call from a man, Claimed to be with Dell or Microsoft.Said my pc was sending trojans and i must see a lot of pop ups, i said no i dont think so and its a first i ever heard this.Then he offered to help me with this problem.I said no and hung up.He had a heavy accent and difficult to understand him.The number was 212-777-3456 I live in Ontario, Canada
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